Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Treating and Living With Vitiligo

Living with vitiligo
Vitiligo is a skin disease where pigment cells (melanocytes) don't function properly, or die. All skin types are susceptible to this condition – there doesn't seem to be one skin type that is more susceptible than others. The main symptom of vitiligo is depigmentation, which is most prominently found on the face, hands and wrists. It tends to become more obvious on dark skin and patches often start small, before growing in size over time. New patches can also form too.The causes of both remain uncertain but we believe that the patchy loss of skin pigmentation is due to immune attacks on the melanocyte cells. It is thought that some sort of defective gene is most likely the cause. Vitiligo is sometimes also associated with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, when ultimately the melanocyte cells become inflamed and die.

Treatment expectations need to be handled carefully as the patient is unlikely to regain full pigmentation of affected areas. If you are a vitiligo sufferer then it's probably best to consult your GP who will then refer on to a dermatologist. Steroid cream can often be helpful – sometimes combined with ultraviolet light (UVB) therapy. 'Younger' lesions (less than three years old) stand a better chance of a speedy response and changes can be seen within a few months whereas older patches can be more resistant. Some patients report that their lesions improve with combination therapy of vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements with exposure UVB light. Personally, I have found the Obagi Medical Skincare range (including their chemical peels) offer a way to blend the patches making skin colour more uniform.

Living with vitiligo was a continuous struggle. The results are consistent with Leventhal's notion that coping is a problem-solving process and with Moos and Schaefer's contention that dealing with a chronic disease involves the development of a variety of strategies in order to regain equilibrium. Further research is needed to examine whether the experiences described here are common to other disfiguring conditions.

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