Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Diet for Eczema

The role of diet in atopic dermatitis is controversial. There is little compelling evidence that diet plays a significant role for majority of people who have eczema, no matter which type they have.
Diet for Eczema

1. Salmon and Other Omega 3s
Go figure: The creatures that sport the ultimate scaly skin are those that offer some of the best protection. Salmon and other fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which give our bodies the ability to grow new skin, prevent inflammation, and stave off conditions like eczema.
2. Oolong Tea
A staple in Chinese pantries, oolong teat tastes like a cross between robust black tea and more bitter green tea. In a month-long study in Japan, people with eczema who drank three cups of oolong tea felt relief from their itching in just one week.
3. Yogurt with Live Cultures
The beneficial bacteria in these yogurts (and other fermented foods such as kefir) benefit the immune system, especially the many immune cells located in the intestinal tract. The “good” bacteria (a.k.a. probiotics) seem to affect inflammation and stimulate the body to produce certain white blood cells and antibodies as well as various growth factors that are important for keeping the body from overreacting to allergens.
The top seven eczema-healthy foods are:
1. Banana: High in potassium, contains histamine-lowering nutrients, magnesium and vitamin C.
2. Beef or chicken broth: Provides skin-repairing amino acid glycine.
3. Potato: Rich in fibre, potassium, vitamin C and is alkalizing.
4. Green onions: Contain histamine-lowering, anti-inflammatory quercetin and rich source of vitamin K, important for healthy skin.
5. Buckwheat: Gluten-free and contains quercetin to lower histamine and has strong anti-inflammatory effect
6. Rice milk: Low allergy and low in chemicals and considered eczema safe

7. Mung bean sprouts: Strong alkalizing food

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