Saturday, February 27, 2016

Trigger of Psoriasis - Beijing Zhongke Skin Disease Hospital

Psoriasis may be permanent or episodic, meaning that it can flare up then subside and disappear altogether for a while before another episode occurs. Triggers or precipitating factors may cause a flare-up in disease or even lead to the development of psoriasis, such as emotional stress, local injury to skin, systemic infections, and the use of certain medications.

Infection such as upper respiratory bacteria or viruses can actually cause someone to develop psoriasis. For example, psoriasis may first appear a few days after one develops strep throat.

Skin injury or any break in the skin can lead to psoriasis. This can include a razor nick or burn, an insect bite, cut, abrasion, sunburn, needle puncture (from vaccination), blister or bruise. Patients often find that new lesions appear at the site of injury.

Medications such as lithium (antidepressant) can also predispose one to a flare-up or cause psoriasis to first appear. Other drugs that can trigger psoriasis or aggravate it include anti-malarials, beta blockers (a type of high blood pressure medication) and an arthritis drug called indomethacin. Even oral corticosteroids can worsen psoriasis symptoms with overuse or if treatment is stopped abruptly.
Stress is a factor in a number of health conditions and seems to be a trigger for psoriasis as well. It can worsen symptoms and, in some cases, a stressful event may trigger the onset of psoriasis. Living with psoriasis also contributes to stress, which in turn, can negatively affect the skin condition.

Weather is another factor that can cause psoriasis to improve or worsen. In particular, the dry cold winter season seems to adversely impact on psoriasis because it dries and irritates the skin. Sun helps psoriatic plaques to fade which suggests why UV light therapy is often used to help treat psoriasis.

Hormones are suspected since puberty can often coincide with the onset of psoriasis symptoms, while pregnancy has been shown to improve or worse psoriasis, depending on the individua

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Psoriasis Scalp Pictures Treatment Options

Scalp psoriasis is a bothersome condition to many. In fact, about 50% of patients with psoriasis have it. The severity of flaking can range from fine dandruff-like flakes to plaques with thick, adherent scales. Scalp psoriasis can often extend beyond the hairline down the forehead onto the face, and the backs of the ears are often involved.
Scalp psoriasis can cause everything from mild scaling to crusting on the entire scalp -- sometimes extending onto the forehead, around the nose, in the beard area, or behind or inside the ears.
Psoriasis on hand Pictures

The medications used to treat scalp psoriasis have the same ingredients as those used to treat body psoriasis, but the vehicles used differ. Heavy creams and ointments are usually too difficult and messy for scalp application, so liquids, foams, shampoos, or oils are recommended.
Drugs that are useful for scalp psoriasis, and that your doctor may recommend, include:
coal tar
Psoriasis Pictures

Light Therapy
There are phototherapy devices with comb-like attachments designed for scalp treatment, too. However, I personally don't like to use them in my practice because monitoring the scalp for skin cancer that can occur as result of the devices' ultraviolet radiation is difficult.
Scalp psoriasis usually responds to the same treatments used for psoriasis elsewhere on the body. It may be expensive to buy the same drug in two different formulations (Dovonex cream for the body and Dovonex liquid for the scalp, for example), but this is a reality that many patients with these conditions face when working to treat them effectively. Patients who have been prescribed corticosteroid gels or foams may be able to use the same medication for both body and scalp.
Psoriasis Scalp Pictures Treatment Options

360°Removing Toxin Treatments to Cure Psoriasis
we should know the causes of psoriasis.The blood toxin is a key reason for the disease, the skin lesions are the outside symptoms of it. The skin lesions can be cured, but the blood toxin still in body, it is the reason why you can not stop the disease source. So my advice is to remove the toxin from the blood.
The advanced facility is also introduced to our hospital.
1, First of all, the therapy though a 360°high-energy nm tank to strongly dissolve and ablate the toxic proteases adsorbed in the blood vessel wall and the blood poisoning group in the blood cells.
2.The 03 will be applied in the treatments to purify the blood and excrete the toxin from human body, which reach a purpose of detoxification from the source.
3. V3T pure toxin of internal organs
The method of man-machine dialogue is adopted, which is fast and efficient to promote all the body drug through navel and 12 meridians to the body's internal organs, blocking stubborn toxin in the deep sides of organs and the mutant gene with repeated incidence. With bidirectional modulation immune function, it reduces drug dosage, clears the body meridians. According to the needs of the lesion parts to intake PEW amount to prevent adverse effects caused by over-treatment.
4.MRA blood microcirculation
Increase blood circulation, amplify of drug action and speed up drug absorption efficiency.
Dual functions include decomposition scaly lesions and repair tissue.
Promoting the production of new skin surface tissue, skin lesions improved greatly, the symptoms quickly disappear.

360°Removing Toxin Treatments to Cure Psoriasis is a comprehensive, thorough, deep-seated, no dead disinfection therapy which is healthy, scientific and special, so it is treated as the first choice of 2014 psoriasis anti-reoccurrence treatments programs.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Risk Factors of Vitiligo

Vitiligo (leucoderma) is neither painful nor dangerous for life. It is considered a harmless disease. Some practitioners tend to not call it a disease at all but it certainly has social issues connected with it.
Risk Factors of Vitiligo

The affected person need not feel the health at risk unless he/she has some other disease. Vitiligo by itself does not pose any threat to a healthy living or free mobility. In very rare cases, it may convert itself into skin cancer if other contributory factors are present.

One thing good about vitiligo is that it is not contagious. It does not travel from one person to another by shaking hands, hugging, sitting or eating together and even through "very intimate physical contact" but since it gives an awkward visual impression, people don't feel comfortable being with the affected person. Unfortunately some people behave as if the vitiligo sufferer was a pack of virus that would explode if they touch him. This kind of behavior is due to lack of awareness and correct information about vitiligo and does nothing but unduly hurt the feelings of the sufferer. It must not be forgotten that no one gets vitiligo voluntarily or by personal choice. If some one has it by stroke of luck, he/she must be helped, not to be treated as unwanted companion. Vitiligo sufferers are as good human beings as anyone else and as efficient in their day to day working as others.

Vitiligo has great cosmetic value. Everyone has the desire to look smart and beautiful. After all it is our skin that people see first. It makes an impression instantly and is one of the important factors counting towards beauty. It is specially so in case of ladies who are more conscious of their facial beauty than men. The person with abnormal spots on the skin would naturally feel cut off and consciously or unconsciously may try to avoid being very social for fear of being avoided. Gradually, feelings of helplessness and mental depression may develop and might ultimately affect mental efficiency of the affected person but this does not happen to every vitiligo sufferer. Some people face the reality and stop being conscious about it. In fact this is how it should be taken and managed in addition to getting proper treatment.

Cosmetic value of vitiligo is more pronounced in case of young and unmarried girls. White patches on face and visible parts of the body are very likely to create lots of problems in making friends and finding a good life partner. Commencement of effective treatment in such cases becomes even more important.

Monday, February 22, 2016

What Are Causes of Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, is a type of inflammation of the skin (dermatitis). It results in itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin. Clear fluid may come from the affected areas, which often thicken over time. It typically starts in childhood with changing severity over the years. In children under one year of age much of the body may be affected. As they get older the back of the knees and front of the elbows are the most common area for the rash. In adults the hands and feet are most affected. Scratching worsens symptoms and affected people have an increased risk of skin infections. Many people with atopic dermatitis develop hay fever or asthma.Atopic dermatitis (AD) looks different in infants, children, and adults.
What Are Causes of Atopic Dermatitis

What causes atopic dermatitis?
Researchers are still studying what causes AD. Through their studies, they have learned that AD:
Is not contagious: There is no need to worry about catching it or giving it to someone.
Runs in families: People who get AD usually have family members who have AD, asthma, or hay fever. This means that genes play a role in causing AD.
Children are more likely to develop AD if one or both parents have AD, asthma, or hay fever.
About half (50%) of the people with severe AD (covers a large area of the body or is very troublesome) will get asthma and about two-thirds (66%) will get hay fever.
Who gets atopic dermatitis?
Around the world, between 10% and 20% of children have AD. About 1% to 3% of adults have AD. People of all skin colors get AD.
Most people (90%) get AD before their 5th birthday. AD rarely starts when a person is an adult.
AD is much more common today than it was 30 years ago. Dermatologists are not sure why. They do know that some children have a greater risk of getting AD. The following seem to increase a child’s risk of getting AD:
Family members have AD, asthma, or hay fever: Does the child’s mother or father have AD? Does a parent have asthma or hay fever? A family history of these diseases remains the strongest risk factor. If one or both parents have AD or an allergic condition, the child is much more likely to get AD. Some children get all 3 diseases. Asthma and hay fever usually appear before the age of 30. People often have asthma and hay fever for life.
Where child lives: Living in a developed country, city (especially one with higher levels of pollution), or a cold climate seems to increase the risk. For example, Jamaican children living in London are twice as likely to develop AD as those who live in Jamaica.
Gender: Females are slightly more likely than males to get AD.
Mother’s age when child born: When the mother gives birth to the child later in her childbearing years, a child is more likely to get AD.

Social class: AD seems more common in higher social classes.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Herbal Chinese Treatment for Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a condition that causes the loss of melanin from your skin. Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin, eyes and hair. Vitiligo manifests when your melanin-producing cells die or no longer generate melanin, which causes white patches of skin to appear in the affected area. Natural herbal treatments may be helpful for your vitiligo. However, herbs should only be used under the care of a skilled health care professional.
Herbal Chinese Treatment for Vitiligo?

Chinese medicine has been applied to treating vitiligo, and many of the treatments involve combine topical and internal use of psoralea seed extract, rich in psoralens. As with PUVA, there is limited success by this method.
 However, herbal formulas aimed at treating autoimmune disorders and those aimed at systemic improvements (especially in the blood components) may have a better effect. Reports of successful treatment appear from time to time in the Chinese medical literature and some clinics advertise their treatments with before and after pictures of successful cases. Complex patent herbal medicines and topical applications for vitiligo-aside from psoralea extracts-have been produced by several factories. Some of the Chinese therapies offered are depicted in the following pages, based on their presentation via websites, with editing to improve their clarity. After the descriptions from five clinical sites (in no special order), a summary of the therapies and their effects is provided along with the descriptions found in Chinese medical texts.

Ginkgo biloba, or simply ginkgo, is a natural herbal treatment frequently prescribed for vitiligo. Balch recommends a ginkgo dosage of 40 mg, three times per day, to help treat your vitiligo, although you should always discuss proper dosage with your physician before ingesting herbs for your ailments. Ginkgo possesses strong antioxidant action and helps enhance the health and function of your immune system, which are two important health actions in the treatment of vitiligo. Ginkgo should not be taken, however, if you have a bleeding disorder or are scheduled for surgery.

Vitiligo usually develops rapidly in the spring and summer. In some cases a feeling of itching precedes expansion of the white patches. If a patient's constitution is worsened by bad morale or by some exogenous factors, the pathological conditions advances continuously. Quite a few patients miss the best time for treatment of the disease, when it first appears, trusting that it will simply resolve spontaneously; once the area affected becomes bigger than the original spots, the time required to cure the disease will be longer.

We believe that to treat the ailment completely, one should rely on traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the qi and blood, clear away the heat, activate the blood circulation, and dredge the channels and vessels in order to support the healthy energy and strengthen the body resistance. A series of vitiligo-resolving medicines developed by the Xianchen Institute for Vitiligo are manufactured with genuine Chinese herbs, which are non-toxic, produce no side effects, and require a relatively short term of treatment to attain a rapid and permanent effect. The herb preparations are applied topically and taken orally in convenient form; as a result of treatment, there is rarely a recurrence of vitiligo and there is a high rate of improvement, reaching 98% and a cure rate over 80%. Vitiligo is a kind of obstinate ailment, so the treatment time period might be long; however, the disease isn't incurable. During the course of treatment, one should follow closely the instructions for using the herbs, and maintain a good mental state, to get the desired results. Persons with vitiligo should avoid direct sun exposure and prolonged living in a damp environment, avoid air conditioning when sweating, maintain a regular living habit, and avoid some potentially irritating foods such as shrimp, crab, lamb, chili and other spices. If white patches begin to appear, they should be treated as earlier as possible.

learn more New Vitiligo Treatment 2015

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Exercise help Cure Psoriatic Arthritis

Exercise can make a big difference in your quality of life with psoriatic arthritis. Movement keeps your joints and tendons looser and limber, and help you reduce the inflammation and pain of psoriatic arthritis. Building up your muscles decreases the workload on your joints.

Exercise help Cure Psoriatic Arthritis

It's not uncommon for people with psoriatic arthritis to develop comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Crohn's disease. Exercise—anything that gets your heart pumping and your joints moving—can help you lower the risk of developing a comorbid condition.

When you set out on an exercise program, you don't have to aim for Olympic gold. If you were active before you had psoriatic arthritis, try to maintain a regimen as close to your old normal as possible. If you've been inactive, start small. In general, people with psoriatic arthritis can enjoy all of these activities:
Walking is an excellent exercise choice; it builds strength and maintains joint flexibility. Try walking in short bursts, say 10 minutes each. Build to half an hour, then a full hour. Break up your workout throughout the day. A gradual approach will help prevent injuries and make it easier to start a new habit (and keep that habit going).

Cycling—both indoor and outdoor—is a good, low-impact option. Pay close attention to proper bike fit and pedaling technique.

Yoga can relieve pain, relax stiff muscles and ease sore joints. Yoga uses controlled movements, stretches and deep-breathing relaxation, all of which helps improve your range of motion.

Swimming or warm-water exercise builds strength, eases stiff joints and relaxes sore muscles. Water helps support your body while you move your joints.

Tai chi is a gentle martial arts exercise with origins in ancient China. While performing fluid and flowing circular movements, you can relax, maintain mobility and work on range of motion.

A physical therapist or a qualified fitness or health professional can help you create an exercise plan that makes sense for you.

Whichever exercises you choose, your muscles will work extra hard at the beginning. After exercising you might experience soreness. You might have a hard time cooling down. You might feel worse the next day. This is your body telling you to ease up! (The opposite can also happen. As soon as any type of activity becomes less than challenging, it's safe to assume your body has adapted and that it's time for a new challenge.) Listen to your body to help you learn about the types of activities that tend to induce pain.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Could i have psoriasis

Psoriasis occurs in different forms, but you will usually have thickened and red patches of skin. Your skin may feel itchy, and can sometimes feel painful or sore. If you have only very mild symptoms, you may not be aware you have it.
Some types of psoriasis can affect your scalp and cause redness and flaking. It can also affect your fingernails, which can become pitted, thickened or loosened from the nail bed.
Could i have psoriasis

If you have any of these symptoms, contact our doctors
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and examine you. He or she may also ask you about your medical history.
Your GP will probably be able to diagnose psoriasis from your symptoms and a physical examination. However, if your psoriasis is extensive or severe, if it's affecting your education or work, if it's not responding to treatment, or if your diagnosis is uncertain, your GP may refer you to a dermatologist (a doctor who specialises in identifying and treating skin conditions).
If you have generalised pustular psoriasis or erythrodermic psoriasis, you may need to be admitted to hospital for treatment
There is no cure for psoriasis. However, there are a number of treatments that can help relieve your symptoms.
Topical treatments
Your GP may prescribe you a medicated cream or ointment. The type and strength of topical treatment will depend on the type of psoriasis you have. Common types of preparations include those containing:
coal tar - these preparations can reduce inflammation and scaling, and are often used in psoriasis affecting your scalp; however, they can be smelly and messy
steroids - these preparations are often used for localised psoriasis (eg patches on your elbows or knees), but shouldn't be used if your psoriasis is quite widespread; stronger steroids can be used on your palms and soles, or your scalp

vitamin D derivatives (such as calcipotriol or tacalcitol) - these preparations can be easier to use than some of the other products, but sometimes irritate your skin .

If I Get Psoriasis, How to Do

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Diet Cure Vitiligo Naturally At Home

Vitiligo is a disease that can be embarrassing and difficult to treat. Marked by a lack of pigment in patches of skin, it can affect any part of your body, but common sites include the face, hands, armpits, hair and around body openings. Your physician may recommend traditional therapies, although the National Vitiligo Foundation suggests that nutritional deficiencies may contribute to the condition. Work with your health care provider to incorporate vitiligo-fighting foods into your diet.
Diet Cure Vitiligo Naturally At Home

Vegetables and fruits on top
Antioxidants, phytochemicals, beta carotene in these bounties of nature support your immunity, promote healthy skin and may aid in the pigmentation process. Antioxidants and beta carotene neutralize free radicals and protect against their damage.
The major antioxidant nutrients are vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, polyphenolic flavonoids and some minerals like selenium, copper and zinc. Apples, bananas and citrus fruits are some great choices and must be included in your vitiligo diet. However, blueberries and pears should probably be limited or avoided as they contain natural hydroquinone, which are de-pigmenting agents.
Eating your vegetables lightly cooked and closer to raw is most preferable as it preserves their nutrients.
Never let your Vitamins go.
A couple of research studies across the globe have discovered that vitiligo patients may have vitamin deficiencies, especially of the B12 vitamin and folic acid.
You can replenish your body by eating vitamin-rich foods. Vitamin B12 is found in meat, poultry, eggs, soy milk, dairy products, fish, and shellfish. Folate, the natural form of folic acid, is found in fruits, dried beans and green vegetables. Ensure that you get enough vitamin D and C as they’re essential for healthy skin.
You can get vitamin D naturally from moderate sunlight exposure as directed by your doctor. Moreover, foods like oily fish, cod liver oil, liver, milk, eggs, cheese, margarine, some milk powders and yogurts and some cereals are fortified with it. Citrus fruits are your go-to option for ample vitamin C. Studies have shown that Folic acid and vitamin B12 work in conjunction with vitamin C to aid in the pigmentation process.
Must Minerals.
Copper, iron, zinc and calcium all play a role in the pigmentation process. Higher levels of zinc and copper have been shown to reduce premature greying hair. Low levels of both these minerals along with reduced iron levels have also been found in de-pigmented skin. Iron also has a role in the activation of tyrosinase which is an enzyme requiring copper and is essential in the pigmentation process. Zinc, an important mineral can be found in beef, shellfish, nuts, and legumes. Calcium, found in dairy products is another important nutrient for overall healthy functioning of your body which will ultimately impact your skin in a positive way.
What you can avoid.
Turmeric, used as a seasoning in Eastern foods especially, has been shown to cause problems for some people, so you might consider limiting or avoiding its use.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Inverse Psoriasis Symptoms and Treatment

Inverse psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis that affects between 3% and 7% of the patients with psoriasis. It can comprise genital skin folds as part of genital psoriasis, and it is one of the most commonly seen dermatoses of this area. There are few evidence-based studies about the treatment of intertriginous psoriasis involving genital skin folds.
Inverse psoriasis

Psoriasis in general is a genetic condition passed down through families. The immune system causes the skin to begin producing too many new skin cells, spurring skin cell turnover. While psoriasis is genetic in nature, researchers believe some environmental factor triggers it. In the case of inverse psoriasis, the triggers are friction and dampness, associated with sweating.
Inverse psoriasis occurs in 2 to 6 percent of people with psoriasis and most often alongside some other type of psoriasis, such as plaque psoriasis. It is more common in people who are overweight or obese or have deep skin folds. People who are middle-aged or seniors are more likely to contract flexural psoriasis than younger people.
Inverse Psoriasis Onset and Symptoms
The first signs of inverse psoriasis are very deep red patches of skin in body folds. These lesions tend to be shiny and smooth — the moistness of the affected area prevents the development of the dry skin scales that accompany other types of psoriasis.
Inverse psoriasis can be one of the most painful and irritating forms of the disease, due to the location of the lesions around the genitals and armpits and underneath the breasts and buttocks. The affected skin becomes very tender and is further irritated by sweating and skin rubbing against itself. Sometimes a crease in the center of an inverse psoriasis lesion will crack open, creating the possibility of bleeding or infection.
Inverse Psoriasis Treatment
For treating it properly it is must to treat both the problems i.e. the yeast infection with the help of yeast infection pill or yeast infection cream and inverse psoriasis can also be treated with many available inverse psoriasis treatments.
The affected skin is extremely sensitive which can create difficulty for treating the inverse psoriasis. There is no doubt that steroids ointments and creams are more effective but still sufferer can’t use steroid occlusive dressings because it can develop more moisture. The excessive use of steroid cream can make the skin thin as well as too much stretching marks in the skin can also occur. As skin in inverse psoriasis is already thin so after using steroid cream for longer period of time it becomes even thinner. Along with the antifungal cream diluted topical steroids can be taken like 1-2 percent hydrocortisone cream.
Light therapy. UVB rays can help soothe psoriasis symptoms. You can get it either through sunlight or light therapy with sun lamps, but either way it must be under your doctor's supervision.

Systemic medications. People with severe inverse psoriasis may need to take pills or receive injections to help treat their symptoms. Options include immunosuppressive medicines like methotrexate and cyclosporine, or biologic drugs that target specific immune reactions.

Psoriasis Cause Symptoms And Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with inflamed skin lesions. These inflamed skin lesions are covered with silver-white scabs of dead skin scales.

Psoriasis is a condition that affects millions of Americans and can take on many different forms. Plaque psoriasis is the most common, and raised red skin lesions covered with itchy, silvery scales characterize this condition. Scalp psoriasis is another common form. Other types include guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis and inverse psoriasis, just to name a few. Treatment varies according to disease severity and includes topical agents, as well as systemic therapies.

Ten percent of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, involving inflamed joints and other symptoms. Increasing amounts of evidence support the notion that psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with many other conditions – not just a skin disease. These health conditions include metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, depression and Parkinson’s disease.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a noncontagious skin condition that produces plaques of thickened, scaling skin. The dry flakes of skin scales are thought to result from the excessively rapid proliferation of skin cells triggered by inflammatory chemicals produced by specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp.

Some people have such mild, limited psoriasis that they may not even suspect that they have the disease. Others have very severe psoriasis that affects their entire body surface.

Psoriasis is considered an incurable, long-term (chronic) skin condition. It has a variable course, periodically improving and worsening. It is not unusual for psoriasis to spontaneously clear for years and stay in remission. Many people note a worsening of their symptoms in the colder winter months.

Psoriasis affects all races and both sexes. Although psoriasis can be seen in people of any age, from babies to seniors, most commonly patients are first diagnosed in their early adult years. The quality of life of patients with psoriasis is often diminished because of the appearance of their skin. Recently, it has become clear that people with psoriasis are more likely to have diabetes, high blood lipids, and cardiovascular disease. This may reflect an inability to control inflammation. Caring for psoriasis takes medical teamwork.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Eczema in Infants

Eczema is a chronic itchy skin condition. Eczema usually starts within the first five years of life, most often in the first six months. It typically lasts into childhood and adolescence. In some cases it may last into adulthood. Eczema tends to wax and wane. There are periods of time where the skin appears mildly affected or even normal, alternating with periods of moderate to severe involvement. Some children have very mild eczema and others have severe eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis).
Eczema in Infants

Eczema tends to be more common in families that have a history of eczema, hay fever, and asthma. These disorders are all a part of what is called the “atopic triad.” A first or second degree relative with a history of one of these atopic conditions can often be identified in the family of a child with eczema. Children with eczema may be more likely to develop allergies or asthma but one does not cause the other.
In young babies, eczema is most prominent on the cheeks, forehead, and scalp. It may affect most of the body but usually spares the diaper area. At 6 to 12 months of age, it is often worst on the crawling surfaces, the elbows and knees. Around the age of two the distribution changes and tends to involve the creases of the elbows and knees, the wrists, ankles, and hands. It may affect the skin around the mouth and the eyelids. Older children and adolescents may have eczema only involving the hands.
In young babies eczema tends to be more red and weepy. In toddlers and older children it often appears more dry, and the skin may be thickened with prominent skin lines (a skin change called lichenification).
How to treat eczema in baby

Treating eczema requires treating both skin dryness and skin inflammation. A good bathing routine is necessary to treat skin dryness. Anti-inflammatory medications, like topical steroids or topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs), are used to treat inflammation. Occasionally, oral anti-inflammatory agents are needed to treat the most severe cases.

What is Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition caused by inflammation of the skin.
Typically, eczema causes skin to become itchy, red, and dry -- even cracked and leathery. Eczema can appear on any part of the body.
Eczema is a chronic problem for many people. It is most common in infants, many of whom outgrow it before adulthood.
What is Eczema

People with eczema have a higher risk of developing allergic conditions likeasthma or hay fever.
Cause of Atopic Eczema
The exact cause of atopic eczema is unknown, but it's clear it's not down to one single thing. It often occurs in people who get allergies – "atopic" means sensitivity to allergens.
It can run in families, and often develops alongside other conditions, such as asthmaand hay fever.
The symptoms of atopic eczema often have certain triggers, such as soaps, detergents, stress and the weather. Sometimes food allergies can play a part, especially in young children with severe eczema.
what are symptoms of Eczema

Eczema symptoms include itchy, red, and dry skin caused by inflammation. It’s most commonly found in children, although adults can get it. It is also called atopic dermatitis and is treated with oral medications, steroid creams and light therapy .

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