Showing posts with label Inverse psoriasis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inverse psoriasis. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016

Inverse Psoriasis Symptoms and Treatment

Inverse psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis that affects between 3% and 7% of the patients with psoriasis. It can comprise genital skin folds as part of genital psoriasis, and it is one of the most commonly seen dermatoses of this area. There are few evidence-based studies about the treatment of intertriginous psoriasis involving genital skin folds.
Inverse psoriasis

Psoriasis in general is a genetic condition passed down through families. The immune system causes the skin to begin producing too many new skin cells, spurring skin cell turnover. While psoriasis is genetic in nature, researchers believe some environmental factor triggers it. In the case of inverse psoriasis, the triggers are friction and dampness, associated with sweating.
Inverse psoriasis occurs in 2 to 6 percent of people with psoriasis and most often alongside some other type of psoriasis, such as plaque psoriasis. It is more common in people who are overweight or obese or have deep skin folds. People who are middle-aged or seniors are more likely to contract flexural psoriasis than younger people.
Inverse Psoriasis Onset and Symptoms
The first signs of inverse psoriasis are very deep red patches of skin in body folds. These lesions tend to be shiny and smooth — the moistness of the affected area prevents the development of the dry skin scales that accompany other types of psoriasis.
Inverse psoriasis can be one of the most painful and irritating forms of the disease, due to the location of the lesions around the genitals and armpits and underneath the breasts and buttocks. The affected skin becomes very tender and is further irritated by sweating and skin rubbing against itself. Sometimes a crease in the center of an inverse psoriasis lesion will crack open, creating the possibility of bleeding or infection.
Inverse Psoriasis Treatment
For treating it properly it is must to treat both the problems i.e. the yeast infection with the help of yeast infection pill or yeast infection cream and inverse psoriasis can also be treated with many available inverse psoriasis treatments.
The affected skin is extremely sensitive which can create difficulty for treating the inverse psoriasis. There is no doubt that steroids ointments and creams are more effective but still sufferer can’t use steroid occlusive dressings because it can develop more moisture. The excessive use of steroid cream can make the skin thin as well as too much stretching marks in the skin can also occur. As skin in inverse psoriasis is already thin so after using steroid cream for longer period of time it becomes even thinner. Along with the antifungal cream diluted topical steroids can be taken like 1-2 percent hydrocortisone cream.
Light therapy. UVB rays can help soothe psoriasis symptoms. You can get it either through sunlight or light therapy with sun lamps, but either way it must be under your doctor's supervision.

Systemic medications. People with severe inverse psoriasis may need to take pills or receive injections to help treat their symptoms. Options include immunosuppressive medicines like methotrexate and cyclosporine, or biologic drugs that target specific immune reactions.

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