Showing posts with label Vitiligo Hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitiligo Hospital. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Уртрагийн 116.46, хойд өргөрөгийн 39.92 градусд Хойд хятадын тал хээрийн хойд хэсэгт байрлах ба .... Хятад улсын нийслэл бөгөөд Хятад улсын засаг захиргаа, соёлын төв ба Дэлхий дээрх хамгийн их соёлын өв бүхий хот бөгөөд 3000 гаруй жилийн түүхтэй хот, 860 гаруй жилийн түүхтэй,, маш олон эртний түүхт дурсгалт газрууд болон соёлын дурсгалт газрууд байдаг.

Бээжин Жун Кэ Витилиго эмнэлэг нь Бээжин хотын Эрүүл мэндийн удирдах газраас зөвшөөрөгдсөн, Дэлхийн эрүүл мэндийн байгууллагын эмчилгээ, оношлогооны дүрэм журамд заасны дагуу арьс цайх өвчин /витилиго/-ийг оношлогоо, эмчилгээний чиглэлээр дагнасан орчин үеийн 3-р зэрэглэлийн мэргэшисэн эмнэлэг юм. Оношлогоо, эмчилгээг маш өргөн цар хүрээг хамарч явуулдаг, өвчтөний хэвтэн эмчлүүлж буй өрөө тасалгаа цэвэр цэмцгэр, чанарын шаардлага бүрэн хангасан эмчилгээний нөөцтэй, орчин үеийн дэвшилтэт оношлогоо, эмчилгээний тоног төхөөрөмжөөр бүрэн тоноглогдсон. Төдийгүй дэлхийн бүхий л улс орны өвчтөнүүд болон эрдэмтэдийн анхаарлыг татаад байгаа юм.
Сүүлийн жилүүдэд манай Бээжин Жун Кэ Витилиго мэргэжилтэнүүдийн баг Хятад уламжлалт ангаах ухааныг дэлхийд тэргүүлэгч томоохон оношлогоо, эмчилгээний тоног төхөөрөмжтэй хослуулан, эдгэшгүй гэх энэхүү арьс цайх өвчтэй өвчтөнд чиглэсэн UM-D дэвшилтэд арьс цайх өвчны оношлогоо, эмчилгээний системийг ашиглаж байгаа бөгөөд тусгайлан тухайн өвчнийг эмчилэх, тухайн чиглэлээр дагнасан эмнэлэгийн тусгай эмчилгээний жишиг загварыг бий болгоод байна. Мөн бид 150 мянга гаруй арьс цайх өвчтэй хүмүүст эрүүл саруул болоход нь туслаад байна. Дэвшилтэд эмчилгээний технологи, өндөр нэр хүндээрээ манай Бээжин Жун Кэ витилиго эмнэлэг нь дэлхийн витилиго өвчин эмчилгээгээрээ тэргүүнд эгнээнд бичигдэж байна.
АНУ, Герман, Япон, Канад зэрэг, Жун Кэ технологи нь дэлхийн бүх улсын энэ төрлийн өвчтөнүүдийн талархалыг хүртээд байгаа юм.
Улс гүрэн дамжисан хамтын ажиллагаа, удаа дараалласан олон улсын эмчилгээгээрээ тэргүүлэгч эмч мэргэжилтэнүүдтэй уулзан учирч туршлага судласанаар Бээжин Жун Кэ витилиго эмнэлэг нь Олон улсад Витилиго өвчний эмчилгээний нэгэн шинэ хуудсыг нээгээд байгаа юм.
Зөвхөн агуу сэтгэлтэй хүн сая далай мэт бүхнийг
Манай Бээжин Жун Кэ Витилиго эмнэлэгийн бүхий л сувилагч ажилтанууд
Бид хамтаа хичээж, хамтдаа мөр зэрэгцэн энэхүү өвчнийг даван туулах болно!
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Monday, May 8, 2017

Can Cure for Vitiligo about 10 years

I have vitiligo ten years, ten years old that year. At the beginning to go to a lot of hospitals, but also eat a lot of medicine, adhere to cure for a few years, but not good. I have no hope that it will be better. But I really hope it can be good! Can you say that? Maybe you might say it might be. Hair long white, vitiligo almost grow to the eyebrows below, and then I can really look too long. Neck, legs also have, perhaps accounted for one-half of the body it I usually try not to think, do not take it seriously. Can change things to try to change, can not change can only accept the. At work, life, it really brought me a lot of trouble, so I had to think about it. It makes me feel a little less confident, always feel worse than others. I can only wear high collar clothes and trousers. Can only stay eyebrows stay in the sea. So do not know that I have vitiligo.
Vitiligo can be cured, unless the generalized type, white area is greater than 50% of body surface area, treatment is indeed difficult, however, can also be through drug or melanocyte transplantation surgery first face, hands and other exposed parts of the white spots to eliminate.
Can Cure  for Vitiligo about 10 years

It should be said that the initial white spot is very easy to cure, folk circulation has a lot of cure vitiligo single, test, efficacy side, mostly for the initial small area in terms of white spots. Therefore, for early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment, the prognosis of vitiligo prognosis has a very important significance. In spite of this, the effect of treatment time, the size of the effect, the speed of dissipation, cure vitiligo required course of treatment, due to cause, pathogenesis, disease, individual patients with different lifestyles, working environment, Big difference, and some week you can see the obvious effect, within a month to disappear, most need to be treated 1 to 2 months before the effect, and even treatment for three months or longer time side effects. The latter often affects the patient's treatment confidence, leading to treatment interruption, treatment of the replacement, which delayed the disease.
Long illness patients, the same can be cured. It is true that the longer the course, the larger the area, the more difficult the treatment, and there is no treatment of vitiligo any special effects drugs, any kind of treatment, any treatment of drugs, the effect is limited, too much exaggeration The effect of the treatment or the drug is not serious, irresponsible; too dependent on a treatment or a drug is unscientific, unwise.
On the contrary, blindly rejecting and rejecting the effects of various treatments or drugs is also impractical. The etiology of vitiligo is not very clear, may be a multi-factor disease; vitiligo pathogenesis is very complex, may be genetic, immune, neuroendocrine and other system disorders exist. Therefore, we emphasize the clinical to adhere to comprehensive treatment, which is an important guiding principle of curing vitiligo. The so-called comprehensive treatment, that is, the combination of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, drug and non-pharmacological therapy, internal treatment and external use of the combination of medical and nursing combination. Some longer course of disease, larger patients, through the implementation of a variety of hospital applications integrated therapy, often achieved a satisfactory effect. This is the synergistic effect of various treatment methods, but also by the etiology of vitiligo, the pathogenesis of the decision, as long as the scientific and rational choice of treatment, adhere to a comprehensive treatment, the principle of standardized treatment, the majority of vitiligo can be cured Of this is beyond doubt.
Abdomen large area white, hospitalized drugs, acupuncture, ultraviolet radiation, white near healing. After leaving the hospital for three months to continue to disappear all white spots.

It must be stressed that "three points rule, seven raise". Personal nursed back to avoid predisposing factors is more important than treatment.vitiligo  Disease is the product of the environment, the environment can change the body, leading to genetic mutation, causing disease genetic, environmental factors determine the occurrence and recurrence of the disease, but also about the disease process, affecting the treatment effect, to avoid environmental factors is to cure vitiligo Of the prerequisites. As long as the vitiligo predisposing factors exist, the treatment effect is very difficult, even the disease control is difficult to achieve. Therefore, the cure of vitiligo need both doctors and patients with close cooperation and cooperation to complete. Unilaterally stressed the role of doctors, excessive rendering of the effect of treatment, absolutely expect the function of drugs, are unscientific, unwise.
Learn about what are the best diet for vitiligo

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Mdiceine and Drug Treatment for Vitiligo

No drug can stop the process of vitiligo — the loss of pigment cells (melanocytes). But some drugs, used alone or with light therapy, can help improve your skin's appearance.
Many treatments are available to help restore skin color or even out skin tone. Results vary and are unpredictable. Some treatments have serious side effects. So your doctor may suggest that you first try improving the appearance of your skin by applying self-tanning products or makeup.
Mdiceine and Drug Treatment for Vitiligo

Topical corticosteroids are a type of medication that contain steroids. You apply them to your skin as a cream or ointment.
They can sometimes stop the spread of the white patches and may restore some of your original skin colour.
A topical corticosteroid may be prescribed to adults if:
you have non-segmental vitiligo on less than 10% of your body
you want further treatment (sun protection advice and camouflage creams are enough for some people)
you aren't pregnant
you understand and accept the risk of side effects
Topical corticosteroids can be used on the face, but care should be taken in selecting and using this type of medication on your face.
Topical Corticosteroids
Your GP may prescribe a cream or an ointment, depending on what you prefer and where it will be used. Ointments tend to be greasier. Creams are better in your joints – for example, inside your elbows.
Possible corticosteroids that may be prescribed include:
fluticasone propionate
betamethasone valerate
hydrocortisone butyrate
Your GP will tell you how to apply the cream or ointment to the patches and how much you should use. You normally need to apply the treatment once a day.

Topical corticosteroids are measured in a standard unit called the fingertip unit (FTU). One FTU is the amount of topical steroid squeezed along an adult's fingertip. One FTU is enough to treat an area of skin twice the size of an adult's hand.
Chinese medicine treatment for vitiligo

Saturday, March 25, 2017

What medicine good for Vitiligo patients

Vitiligo can be called psoriasis is a more common inflammatory skin disease. Vitiligo has the characteristics of recurrent, the current treatment of psoriasis can choose to use some physical therapy or drug treatment methods, then if it is drug treatment, then what drugs will be better treatment? The following experts please give us a detailed description of hope Friends will have some help.
What medicine good for Vitiligo patients

Vitiligo is a relatively common skin disease, usually the body's melanoma cells are damaged, so it will lead to the loss of melanin will form some white spots, the incidence of vitiligo are usually with their own immune system has a great relationship, So in the treatment of the time usually need to give patients oral administration of some drugs to enhance immunity, the most common will generally choose to inject BCG or take some thymosin, the treatment of vitiligo also need some patients with oral corticosteroids, mainly can effectively control the white The spread of.
Treatment of vitiligo also need some topical drugs, you can selectively give patients with some nitrogen mustard tincture, but also can selectively use some proprietary Chinese medicines, can be used outside some white Ling tincture, Bai Ling tincture is a more common treatment of vitiligo Of the drug, with the effect of blood circulation, but also can increase the effect of photosynthetic vitiligo can also be selective with some oral administration of proprietary Chinese medicines, the clinical aspects of the more commonly used are grams of white pills. Effectively alleviate the spread of white spots.

The above detailed description of the treatment of vitiligo drugs, hope to have some friends to help treatment.Perfectant drugs will be more vitiligo, you can choose oral topical effect will be better, vitiligo patients in the personal diet is also need to pay attention, Do not eat some spicy spicy food, this part of the food will lead to the body's endocrine system disorders, it is best to eat some light easily digestible food, usually in life must pay attention to personal hygiene.It is best to wear a cotton loose Of the clothes, do not wear tight clothes.
Learn about Epidermal Skin Grafting Treatment for vitiligo

Saturday, March 4, 2017

What is Segmental vitiligo ? Different Betwence Segmental vitiligo With Non-segmental vitiligo

Segmental vitiligo is considered a subtype of vitiligo but thought of as a separate entity than generalized vitiligo. It is marked by development of circumscribed depigmented macules or patches. It is notably for early presentation with unilateral distribution (lesions do not cross the midline) and rapid stabilization. The underlying mechanisms is unclear for this condition, unlike generalized vitiligo which is thought to be due to an autoimmune response to melanocytes.
Segmental vitiligo

Segmental vitiligo looks like NSV but the term Focal is used because it is a limited area.
Segmental vitiligo has a different form; this condition spreads more rapidly but is considered more constant and stable than non-segmental. It is much less common and affects only about 10% of people with vitiligo.
Segmental vitiligo is more noticeable in early age groups, affecting about 30% of children diagnosed with vitiligo.
It is non-symmetrical and usually tends to affect areas of skin attached to nerves arising in the dorsal roots of the spine. It is more stable, less erratic and responds well to topical treatments.
Non-segmental vitiligo is the most common type of vitiligo and occurs in up to 90% of people who have the disorder.

Non-segmental vitiligo is the most common of the 2 types of vitiligo. It is often characterized by white patches that are generalized (seen anywhere on your body), symmetrical (if it’s on one side of your body, it’s in the same place on the other side. eg. both hands, both elbows, both feet, etc.) and increase in size over time.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Vitiligo Diet - The Best Diet List for Vitiligo Patients

Vitiligo is a genetic, autoimmune skin disorder in which a loss of skin pigmentation results in white patches on various parts of the body. Current treatments are aimed at stopping or slowing the progression of lost pigment. Manipulating one's diet may be helpful in managing certain skin conditions, such as vitiligo. People with vitiligo may need to follow a special diet to prevent the condition from worsening or to replenish any nutritional deficiencies that may occur.
Vitiligo Diet - The Best Diet List for Vitiligo Patients

Vitiligo can occur because the cells that produce melanin either die or simply stop forming it and it causes white patches with irregular shapes to slowly enlarge on various areas of the skin.
Food to Eat in Vitiligo Diet
Many people believe that keeping a healthy diet that is specific to vitiligo can control this skin disorder and promote cell regeneration as well as healthy skin.
1. Whole Grains
Whole grains are a crucial part of any vitiligo diet as they contain a great deal of fiber, vitamins and minerals, all of which work together to support a good overall health. Oats are an especially good addition to the diet because they have high amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin E has been linked to improving the body’s immune responses as well as helping fight harmful bacteria, which plays an essential role in keeping the skin healthy.
2. Vegetables
Although vegetables are part of any healthy diet, there are certain ones that are excellent to add to a vitiligo diet. Spinach is a great option as it contains many nutrients that can promote skin regeneration and repair the body’s damaged blood vessels. Garlic is also a great choice because it is not only a natural antibiotic, but it also has several different nutrients which work together to help keep our cells health. Cabbage is another great addition to a vitiligo diet because it contains multiple nutrients and other substances that help our body break down any harmful chemicals. In addition to vegetables, certain fruits such as tomatoes and blueberries also have healing properties making them a great addition to a vitiligo diet.
3. Healthy Fats
Someone on a vitiligo diet should always do their best to include healthy fats. Olive oil is an excellent option as it is easy to add to your food. A wide range of nuts are also a great source of healthy fats in addition to protein, but someone on a vitiligo diet should avoid pistachios and cashews.
4. Natural Supplements
There are several natural supplements that have been linked to reducing the effects of vitiligo in terms of depigmentation. Gingko biloba is one example and experts usually recommend finding a standardized extract that comes in 40 milligram doses and taking this three times a day. Some studies have also shown that khellin, which is an extract from the fruit found on khella, a Mediterranean plant.
Food to avoid in Vitiligo people

In cases where pigment loss is widespread and severe, bleaching (depigmentation) of the remaining pigmented patches may be done with hydroquinone, according to the Merck Manual Online Medical Library. Since hydroquinone also is present in some food, it may worsen the light skin patches of people with vitiligo if consumed. Blueberries, pears, wheat, and coffee all contain this natural depigmenting agent.

Monday, February 27, 2017

How to prevent vitiligo in spring how to prevent vitiligo recurrence?

Vitiligo as a common skin pigmentation disease, because of its easy, repeated treatment of the characteristics of a lot of people talk about "white" discoloration, as long as I heard that suffering from vitiligo on the first sentenced to death. Vitiligo is really so terrible? Is there a way to do effective prevention, cut off the source of vitiligo? Suffering from vitiligo how to treat to recover?
How to prevent vitiligo in spring how to prevent vitiligo recurrence?
From the beginning of the spring, the sunshine time gradually longer, due to temperature, pressure, humidity, ultraviolet radiation intensity changes will affect the body's internal environment, endocrine disorders, so that patients with vitiligo increased. Especially for some people with low immunity, skin disease susceptible people, a family history of vitiligo, this period of prevention of vitiligo is more important.
1, the appropriate exercise: the appropriate increase in exercise can enhance immunity, to prevent leukoplakia and prevention of vitiligo has a positive effect, but the exercise is not too easy.
2, the prevention of colds: spring temperature changes, hot and cold alternately easy to make people cold, cold will cause the body to produce stress response, poor immunity, the stress response will continue for a long time, most likely induced Vitiligo, aggravated the condition.
3, the appropriate sun: Vitiligo patients, although not in the hot sun exposure, but the appropriate increase in the sun, ultraviolet radiation can promote the synthesis of skin melanin, vitiligo recovery has a positive effect.
4, a balanced diet: not a partial eclipse is not picky eaters, eat or avoid eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi fruit, oranges, oranges, do not eat beef and mutton and other hair, children eat snacks, drink less carbonated drinks Intake of copper, zinc, food, so that the body of trace elements to achieve balance, improve the body immunity, effectively promote melanin synthesis.
5, mental factors: positive and optimistic mood will make people feel happy and happy, for human health is very good. On the contrary, long-term negative feelings of the emotional impact of pessimism can be imagined. Therefore, vitiligo patients must learn to release in daily life, the only way to make patients with vitiligo rehabilitation faster, and ultimately get rehabilitation.
Spring vitiligo, the patient in addition to pay attention to the above points, the white spots in the skin when the white spots do not panic, but not sick of surgery, to be accurate diagnosis.
How to do accurate diagnosis of vitiligo in spring?
From the morphological point of view, for the skin more white patients, only the naked eye is difficult to distinguish. And vitiligo and easily with other such as anemia, nebula, tinea versicolor and other skin confused, so to be accurate diagnosis. From the cause of speaking, the cause of vitiligo is very complex, in addition to experienced experts, the need for advanced equipment with, in order to achieve accurate diagnosis, a thorough identification of the cause. Therefore, to choose a regular vitiligo specialist hospital for examination.
How to prevent vitiligo in sprin

How to treat vitiligo in spring?
In the early stage of vitiligo, Beijing CASU Vitiligo  Doctors think , due to less white, lack of pigment is very light, this period is the best time for treatment of vitiligo, patients should be early detection, early detection, early treatment of the principle, only to do so To no delay, no missed, not misdiagnosed, for the cause of treatment, protection and rehabilitation. If the recurrence of vitiligo patients, in addition to external factors, genetic factors, endocrine factors, the recurrence of factors is likely to be due to treatment is not completely caused. Therefore, for patients with recurrent vitiligo, accurate etiological testing is also extremely important.
Know the cause is not enough, but also according to the individual patient to develop a suitable treatment program. Such as according to the patient's age, gender, vitiligo development, reasonable classification, staging, color separation, the only way to really be targeted, three-dimensional comprehensive and completely cured.

It should be noted that if the patient has the same shape reaction, or white spot in the expanded state, do not use melanin cultivation, because it will not only make white or rehabilitation, but also make the condition worse.
Learn about UM-D Treatment for Vitiligo 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Treatment Help for Vitiligo

Vitiligo affects up to 2% of the population, and it is estimated that two to five million Americans have the condition. In most cases, vitiligo develops early in life, between the ages of 10 and 30 years. Ninety-five percent of those affected will develop the disorder before age 40. Both men and women are equally likely to develop vitiligo. Vitiligo may run in families; those with a family history of vitiligo or premature graying of the hair are at increased risk for the development of vitiligo. Other risk factors that increase one's chances of developing vitiligo include having autoimmune diseases, such as autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's thyroiditis).
Treatment Help for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is difficult to treat. Early treatment options include the following:Phototherapy, a medical procedure in which your skin is carefully exposed to ultraviolet light. Phototherapy may be given alone, or after you take a drug that makes your skin sensitive to light. A dermatologist performs this treatment.
Certain lasers may help the skin repigment.
Medicines applied to the skin, such as corticosteroid creams or ointments, immunosuppressant creams or ointments such as pimecrolimus (Elidel) and tacrolimus (Protopic), or topical drugs such as methoxsalen (Oxsoralen) may also help.

Skin may be moved (grafted) from normally pigmented areas and placed onto areas where there is pigment loss.Several cover-up makeups or skin dyes can mask vitiligo. Ask your provider for the names of these products.In extreme cases when most of the body is affected, the remaining skin that still has pigment may be depigmented. This is a permanent change that is used as a last option.
Learn more Chinese Medicine Treatment For Vitiligo

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Phototherapy Treatment for Vitiligo - Best Vitiligo Hospital

Vitiligo is a chronic condition that causes pale, white patches to develop on the skin. The areas affected have little or no melanin.
Melanin is a dye-like substance that is produced by specialised skin cells called melanocytes, which give your skin its colour and protect it from the sun's rays.

Where does vitiligo occur?
Vitiligo can affect any area of your skin, but most commonly occurs on skin that is exposed to the sun, such as your face, neck and hands.
Vitiligo is more noticeable in people whose skin is dark or tanned. The condition varies from person to person. For example, some people only get a few small, white patches that progress no further. Other people get bigger white patches that join up across large areas of their skin.

There is no way of predicting how much of your skin will be affected, and the white patches are usually permanent.
Phototherapy (treatment with light) may be used for children or adults if:
topical treatments haven't worked
the vitiligo is widespread
the vitiligo is having a significant impact on quality of life
Evidence suggests that phototherapy, particularly when combined with other treatments, has a positive effect on vitiligo.
During phototherapy, your skin is exposed to ultraviolet A (UVA) or ultraviolet B (UVB) light from a special lamp. You may first take a medicine called psoralen, which makes your skin more sensitive to the light. Psoralen can be taken by mouth (orally), or it can be added to your bath water.
This type of treatment is sometimes called PUVA (psoralen and UVA light).
Phototherapy may increase the risk of skin cancer because of the extra exposure to UVA rays. The risk of skin cancer is lower with UVB light. Your dermatologist should discuss the risk with you before you decide to have phototherapy.

Sunlamps that you can buy to use at home for light therapy aren't recommended. They're not as effective as the phototherapy you'll receive in hospital. The lamps are also not regulated, so may not be safe.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Vitiligo Causes, Treatment & Home Remedies

Vitiligo results in a loss of skin color. Vitiligo usually occurs in families, and may sometimes also involve diabetes, thyroid disorders, and some other conditions.
Vitiligo Causes, Treatment & Home Remedies

Vitiligo Causes
Vitiligo appears to occur when immune cells destroy the cells that produce brown pigment (melanocytes). This destruction is thought to be due to an autoimmune problem, but the cause is unknown.
Vitiligo may appear at any age. There is an increased rate of the condition in some families. The condition affects about 1 out of every 100 people in the United States.
Vitiligo is associated with three other autoimmune diseases:
Addison's disease
Pernicious anemia
Vitiligo Treatment & Home Remedies
Vitiligo is difficult to treat. Early treatment options include the following:
Phototherapy, a medical procedure in which your skin is carefully exposed to ultraviolet light. Phototherapy may be given alone, or after you take a drug that makes your skin sensitive to light. A dermatologist performs this treatment.
Medicines applied to the skin, such as:
Corticosteroid creams or ointments
Immunosuppressant creams or ointments, such as pimecrolimus (Elidel) and tacrolimus (Protopic)
Topical drugs such as methoxsalen (Oxsoralen)
Skin may be moved (grafted) from normally pigmented areas and placed onto areas where there is pigment loss.
Several cover-up makeups or skin dyes can mask vitiligo. Ask your health care provider for the names of these products.
In extreme cases when most of the body is affected, the remaining skin that still has pigment may be depigmented. This is a permanent change that is used as a last resort.

It is important to remember that skin without pigment is at greater risk for sun damage. Be sure to apply a broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB), high-SPF sunscreen or sunblock and use appropriate safeguards against sun exposure.

Learn about chinese medicine treatment for vitiligo 2017

Friday, October 21, 2016

Which is the Best Cure Vitiligo ?

How do dermatologists treat vitiligo?
If you have vitiligo, you should discuss treatment options with your dermatologist. There are many treatment options. The goal of most treatments is to restore lost skin color.
Here are some key facts about treatment options to help you start a conversation with your dermatologist. The type of treatment that is best for you will depend on your preference, overall health, age and where the vitiligo appears on your body. Some people choose not to treat vitiligo.
1. No medical treatment (use cosmetics to add lost color):
Cosmetic options include makeup, a self-tanner and skin dye.
Offers safe way to make vitiligo less noticeable.
Often recommended for children because it avoids possible side effects from medicine.
Drawbacks: Must be repeatedly applied, can be time-consuming, takes practice to get natural-looking result.
2. Medicine applied to the skin:
Several different topical (applied to the skin) medicines can repigment the skin.
Prescribed for small areas.
The most commonly prescribed medicine is a potent or super-potent topical corticosteroid. About half, 45 percent, of patients regain at least some skin color after 4 to 6 months.
A topical corticosteroid may be combined with another medicine to improve results.
Topical medicine works best in people with darkly pigmented skin.
Topical medicines are most effective on certain areas of the body, such as the face. They are least effective on the hands and feet.
Not all topical medicines should be used on the face.
Drawbacks: These medicines have possible side effects, so patients must be carefully monitored. A possible serious side effect of using of a topical corticosteroid for a year or longer is skin atrophy. This means the skin becomes paper thin, very dry and fragile.

3. Light treatment for Vitiligo :
Uses light to repigment the skin.
Patient may sit in a light box or receive excimer laser treatments.
Light box used to treat widespread vitiligo; laser used to treat small area.
Works best on the face; least effective on hands and feet.
Effective for many patients; about 70 percent see results with excimer laser.
Results can disappear. About half, 44 percent, see results disappear within 1 year of stopping treatment. After 4 years, about 86 percent lose some color restored by treatment.
May cause patients with darkly pigmented skin to see areas of darker skin after treatment, but treated skin usually matches untreated skin within a few months.
Requires a time commitment. Patients need 2 to 3 treatments per week for several weeks.
May be combined with another treatment such as topical corticosteroid.
4. PUVA light therapy for vitiligo :
Uses UVA light and a medicine called psoralen to restore skin color.
Psoralen may be applied to the skin or taken as a pill.
Can treat widespread vitiligo.
About 50 percent to 75 percent effective in restoring pigment to the face, trunk, upper arms and upper legs.
Not very effective for the hands or feet.
Time-consuming, requiring treatment at a hospital or PUVA center twice a week for about 1 year.
Psoralen can affect the eyes, so this treatment requires eye exams before starting treatment and after finishing treatment.
To help prevent serious side effects, patients need to be carefully monitored.
Learn more Acupuncture can treat vitiligo
5. Surgery for Vitiligo:
May be an option when light therapy and medicines applied to the skin do not work.
For adults whose vitiligo has been stable (not changed) for at least 6 months.
Not for children.
Not for people who scar easily or develop keloids (scars that rise above the skin).
Different surgical procedures available. Most involve removing unaffected skin or skin cells and placing where need pigment.
Can be effective for 90 percent to 95 percent of patients.
Possible side effects include failure to work, cobblestone-like skin and infection.
6. Unconventional treatment for Vitiligo:
Some vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes have been reported to restore skin color in people who have vitiligo.
Most have not been studied, so there is no evidence to support these treatments and no knowledge of possible side effects.
Ginkgo biloba, an herb, has been studied in a clinical trial. Results from this trial indicate that the herb may restore skin color and stop vitiligo from worsening.
In the ginkgo biloba trial, 10 patients given ginkgo biloba had noticeable or complete return of skin color. Two patients taking the placebo (contains no active ingredient) also had noticeable or complete return of skin color.

Because some patients taking the placebo regained their skin color, more study is needed.

Natural Cure For Vitiligo By Chinese Medicine 
UM-D treatment is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern advanced instruments. It is the herb medicine, not like the hormone medicine, anti-immune, anti-inflammation medicine. The Chinese herbs come from the nature medical plants and animals. The human body has five main internal organs like heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney. And in the nature there are five elements like gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. Those five elements influence and work with each other. In the same way, the five internal organs also have the same relation. That means the people also related to the nature, and human body is also a part of the nature. If we have any problem showed on skin surface, which is related to the internal organs.
So the Chinese doctors will adjust the immune disorder and internal organs disorder. The nature herbs can be used to oral herb medication, five element bath, Chinese medical steam therapy, and other types of combined treatment.

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