Thursday, February 2, 2017

Vitiligo and Diet: What to Avoid

If you or someone you know suffers from vitiligo, then you understand how traumatic, difficult to treat, and embarrassing this skin condition can be. It’s characterized by white irregular patches on different parts of the body. The most commonly affected areas include hands, face, neck, armpits, and legs. This disorder occurs when melanin-producing cells, melanocytes, are destroyed.
Vitiligo and Diet: What to Avoid

Vitiligo is a disorder in which melanocytes, the cells that make pigment in the skin, the mucous membranes and the retina of the eye are destroyed, leading to the development of white patches on the skin. Vitiligo is thought to develop in about 0.1% to 2% of various populations, affecting 2–5 million people in the United States and 40–50 million people worldwide. It’s cause remains unknown although it has been established that it is an autoimmune disease.
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of Vitiligo. Cold and phlegm producing foods are harmful in this disease. Lesions can spread if such foods are eaten frequently. Only whole grain breads are recommended and processed grain is not to be taken. A lot of ginger and turmeric should be used in the food since they are natural anti septic and it is better if the diet is salt free.
A lot of nuts should be also taken as they are rich in vitamin E and special fats.
Foods to Avoid
Spices and Artificial Food Colors
Avoid artificial colors added during food preparations, as well as spices (especially turmeric), as they might make your condition worse.
Fruits Containing Hydroquinone
You may already be aware of hydroquinone, the main depigmenting agent in skin bleaching creams. Well, hydroquinone is also found in certain fruits, such as pears and blueberries. Since hydroquinone, reduces melanin production, taking these fruits could make your white patches even whiter.
Excessively Sour Foods
Fruits like lemons, limes and others that are excessively sour can make this disorder worse. Besides, they contain ascorbic acid which lightens the skin, so eating them might worsen your vitiligo.
Non-vegetable Foods

Lastly, cut down on non-vegetable foods like fish, red meat, dairy products and all the high-calorie fatty and sugary foods. Why? Because some bodies misread them as foreign bodies and fight them, causing adverse reactions including vitiligo.

Contact Us

As for you own illness conditions, you can get some guidance related to diet, exercise, medicines or some natural remedies. The online consultation service is free. Please remember to leave your email address, or phone number so that we can contact you and help you!
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