Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hair and Vitiligo Treatment

My reply as to hair follicle introducing you Mainstream treatment of vitilligo.Accessing to many website, I have found more article as to vitilligo treatment elementally.
In the patients with vitiligo the active melanocytes in the epidermis are totally missing, whereas the inactive melanocytes in the Outer root Sheaths of hair follicles are not affected.I shall discuss with you about of those inactive melanocytes to located in the dermis layer of Skin.Are those inactive melanocyte adequate and sufficient in human body?
A lot of black hair are still exists on my entire body surface especially in both face and legs.Besides, My hairs on face grow fast.Among of them a very few hair turned white in a Circumscribed area.The Presence of Pigmented hairs in the vitiliginous skin is a good Prognostic sign for vitiligo recovery speaking in favor of an intact melanocyte reservoir. Leukotrichia is known Hair pigmentation has been completely lost many years after vitiligo onset.
Repigmentation of vitiligo depends on available melanocytes from three possible sources: from the hair follicle unit which is the main provider of pigment cells, from the border of vitiligo lesions, and from unaffected melanocytes within depigmented areas.

I have an effective evidence of respond though depigmentation(90%) covers almost of entire body surface.So those inactive melanocyte in the dermis layer of skin are targeted in order to cure from the most serious type of vitilligo or vitilligo universalies.

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