Thursday, December 8, 2016

Vitiligo Diet :What is the Best Diet for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is essentially areas of the skin devoid of pigmentation, that is, when the color producing cells in your skin, melanocytes, cease functioning or die. It most commonly occurs on the face and hands and wrists. While searching for vitiligo facts may yield potential causes of the condition, medical science is still unsure as to what actually causes it. Treating a loss of skin pigment can prove a lengthily and challenging process, however there are some that suggest that your daily food intake may play a role in the treatment and management of this condition and offer a vitiligo diet for this purpose.
Vitiligo Diet :What is the Best Diet for Vitiligo

It’s very important to consider the food allergy, while planning vitiligo as they can accelerate vitiligo. After taking a diagnostic test, you can easily know about your food allergy and how much they can affect your body and in which way. Vegetables such as beet root, radish, French beans, carrot, bitter gourd, ridge, Spinach, fenugreek, onion and drumstick should be included in the vitiligo diet.
Also fruits like grapes, mangoes, walnut, dates, apricot and papaya should also be consumed in Vitiligo condition. One should also include wheat, red pepper, pure ghee, jaggery, Bengal gram, almond, pistachio nut, chilies and potatoes in their diet. One should also control the intake of antioxidants in this disorder. Fresh vegetables and fruits provide the body with high amounts of antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. Avoid eating grilled or processed food as they decrease the quantity of antioxidants in the body.
Avoid diet of Vitiligo

While suffering from vitiligo one should avoid certain fruits like, gooseberry, orange, guava, custard apple, cashew nuts, prunes, watermelon and melon. One should also not include vegetables like, red sorrel, brinjal, papaya, parsley, tomato, lemon, garlic and tamarind in their diet. Milk products such as curd, milk and buttermilk and also non-vegetarian food such as red meat, fish and beef should also be escaped. One should also stay away from junk food, coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks, soda bicarb, pickles, oily food item and spicy food.

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