Sunday, January 31, 2016

What Diet for Psoriasis

Through diet to treat psoriasis, it is a simple and effective method that can easily put light cure the disease, but also do not have to suffer the side effects of drugs. Psoriasis patients in drug treatment at the same time, with the food therapy to adjust the body's internal environment, thereby enhancing the body's ability to disease prevention, and often can play with medication alone will not achieve the role. So, what diet of psoriasis ?
What Diet for Psoriasis

1, Topical aloe vera has excellent smooth, repair and moisturizing effect, it can also help remove dead skin cells, helper psoriasis.

2, Psoriasis patients eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals, plant seeds, nuts and other nutritious foods. Garlic, onion, eggs, asparagus is rich in sulfur, it helps the skin smooth and delicate. Carrots and other orange and yellow vegetables rich in β- carotene, can add vitamin A, can enhance and protect the skin tissue. Apples, milk, sugar cane, citrus fruits, tomatoes, grapes, blackberries, etc., can nourish the skin, remove dead skin cells and promote cell regeneration, thereby treating rough skin. Soybeans, dates, sunflower seeds, honey, sesame seeds can moisturize the skin, multivitamin supplement, enhance the skin's resistance, long-term consumption, can prevent rough skin.

3, Psoriasis patients should eat less sugar, chocolate, potato chips and other foods. Jishi irritating and allergenic foods - such as alcohol, coffee, tea, onions, garlic, chilies and shrimp, crab and so on.

These are the experts of "psoriasis diet what" relevant knowledge, many psoriasis treatment, Chinese medicine has medicine, and other therapeutic treatment, Western medicine Western medicine and other treatment methods. Each person's condition is different, the choice of treatment will be different, in short, you want to remember the symptomatic treatment of patients with Oh! Do not choose the treatment blind.

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