Thursday, February 18, 2016

Herbal Chinese Treatment for Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a condition that causes the loss of melanin from your skin. Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin, eyes and hair. Vitiligo manifests when your melanin-producing cells die or no longer generate melanin, which causes white patches of skin to appear in the affected area. Natural herbal treatments may be helpful for your vitiligo. However, herbs should only be used under the care of a skilled health care professional.
Herbal Chinese Treatment for Vitiligo?

Chinese medicine has been applied to treating vitiligo, and many of the treatments involve combine topical and internal use of psoralea seed extract, rich in psoralens. As with PUVA, there is limited success by this method.
 However, herbal formulas aimed at treating autoimmune disorders and those aimed at systemic improvements (especially in the blood components) may have a better effect. Reports of successful treatment appear from time to time in the Chinese medical literature and some clinics advertise their treatments with before and after pictures of successful cases. Complex patent herbal medicines and topical applications for vitiligo-aside from psoralea extracts-have been produced by several factories. Some of the Chinese therapies offered are depicted in the following pages, based on their presentation via websites, with editing to improve their clarity. After the descriptions from five clinical sites (in no special order), a summary of the therapies and their effects is provided along with the descriptions found in Chinese medical texts.

Ginkgo biloba, or simply ginkgo, is a natural herbal treatment frequently prescribed for vitiligo. Balch recommends a ginkgo dosage of 40 mg, three times per day, to help treat your vitiligo, although you should always discuss proper dosage with your physician before ingesting herbs for your ailments. Ginkgo possesses strong antioxidant action and helps enhance the health and function of your immune system, which are two important health actions in the treatment of vitiligo. Ginkgo should not be taken, however, if you have a bleeding disorder or are scheduled for surgery.

Vitiligo usually develops rapidly in the spring and summer. In some cases a feeling of itching precedes expansion of the white patches. If a patient's constitution is worsened by bad morale or by some exogenous factors, the pathological conditions advances continuously. Quite a few patients miss the best time for treatment of the disease, when it first appears, trusting that it will simply resolve spontaneously; once the area affected becomes bigger than the original spots, the time required to cure the disease will be longer.

We believe that to treat the ailment completely, one should rely on traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the qi and blood, clear away the heat, activate the blood circulation, and dredge the channels and vessels in order to support the healthy energy and strengthen the body resistance. A series of vitiligo-resolving medicines developed by the Xianchen Institute for Vitiligo are manufactured with genuine Chinese herbs, which are non-toxic, produce no side effects, and require a relatively short term of treatment to attain a rapid and permanent effect. The herb preparations are applied topically and taken orally in convenient form; as a result of treatment, there is rarely a recurrence of vitiligo and there is a high rate of improvement, reaching 98% and a cure rate over 80%. Vitiligo is a kind of obstinate ailment, so the treatment time period might be long; however, the disease isn't incurable. During the course of treatment, one should follow closely the instructions for using the herbs, and maintain a good mental state, to get the desired results. Persons with vitiligo should avoid direct sun exposure and prolonged living in a damp environment, avoid air conditioning when sweating, maintain a regular living habit, and avoid some potentially irritating foods such as shrimp, crab, lamb, chili and other spices. If white patches begin to appear, they should be treated as earlier as possible.

learn more New Vitiligo Treatment 2015

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