Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The four “white” colors of vitiligo represent different pigment loss degrees (mild, moderate and severe). How to distinguish them accurately?

 The four “white” colors of vitiligo represent different pigment loss degrees (mild, moderate and severe). How to distinguish them accurately?

Vitiligo is a skin depigmentation disease characterized by the appearance of white patches. Although "white" is the main color of vitiligo, the color of the patches can actually be divided into four categories, and the color of different color types of white patches is closely related to the severity of the disease, so the more suitable treatment methods can be better selected.

Four types of “whiteness” in vitiligo:
The color difference of white spots is closely related to the severity of the disease. The white patches are divided into four types according to their color below. The whiter, purer and brighter the white patches are, the more severe the loss of melanin and the more serious the disease.
1. Light White
Light vitiligo is slightly whiter than normal skin. This is the early stage of vitiligo. There is mild depigmentation of the skin, but there is still a large amount of melanin in the white patches.
2. Milk White
Milk white patches are similar in color to milk and contrast more significantly with normal skin color. In this case, the degree of damage to melanocyte cell function is 20% to 30%, and it may spread if not treated in time.
3. Cloudy White
Cloudy white white patches are deepper in color, similar to white clouds, and are in sharp contrast with the surrounding skin. This is a severe depigmentation condition in which the function of some melanocytes is severely compromised, leaving only a small amount of melanin remaining in the white patches.
4. Porcelain White
The porcelain white patches are almost pure white. At this time, the melanocytes cells in the white pathces area have been severely damaged, and have even degenerated, atrophied, and died, losing all functions, resulting in complete loss of pigment.
What should I do if it is difficult to judge with the naked eye?
Due to individual differences in basic skin color and color discrimination abilities, it is difficult to accurately judge the severity of white patches with the naked eye. However, there are devices we can use to make an accurate diagnosis.

1. Wood's Lamp: Convenient Vitiligo Detection Device
Wood's lamp, also known as filtered UV lamp. By using Wood's lamp to illuminate the affected area, the reflections of different colors can help us better observe the white patches.
- Detection speed: visible results instantly
- Detection accuracy: used to identify vitiligo and screen for hidden white patches
2. Three-dimensional RCM skin scan: a highly accurate means of detecting vitiligo
Skin three-dimensional RCM scan generates three-dimensional data by measuring information such as skin texture, ultraviolet spots, micro blood vessels, and pigmentation, and converts it into images.
- Testing speed: results will be obtained in about 5 minutes
- Detection accuracy: It can accurately detect the loss of melanocytes, and classify the (1) types, (2) stages, and the (3) pigment loss degree.
During clinical consultation, many patients delay treatment due to misdiagnosis. With the help of these scientific instruments, we can accurately diagnose vitiligo and take more targeted treatment measures. So the effect of treatment will be more obvious, the course of treatment is shorter, and the repigmentation effect is better!
Remember to consult your doctor before undergoing any treatment so that you can receive professional guidance and a personalized treatment plan. Early and accurate diagnosis of vitiligo and selection of appropriate treatments based on the severity of the disease are key to restoring normal color to the skin especially on the hands.

What Food Remedies Can Help Vitiligo Patients Remove the White Patches?

The treatment process of vitiligo is long and complicated. Many patients cannot see obvious results during long-term treatment, which makes them feel frustrated, and even begin to seek some folk remedies to remove white patches to relieve the pain caused by the disease. But which folk remedies really work? Today, we will reveal the secrets one by one:

(1) Figs can Treat Vitiligo – True
Figs are believed to have certain therapeutic effects on vitiligo. It can not only relieve sore throat, lower blood sugar, and benefit the stomach, but also enhance the activity of tyrosinase in melanocytes and promote the production of melanin pigment.
There are two ways to use it:
One is to eat three ripe fresh figs on an empty stomach every day;
The other method is to decoct fresh fig leaves in water and concentrate it into 30 ml. Apply it to the vitiligo patches with a cotton ball and take some mild sunlight for 10 to 20 minutes.
However, it should be noted that patients prone to allergies should avoid using it because the juice secreted by fresh fig pedicles may cause allergic reactions.
(2) Drinking Tea to Help Vitiligo - True
Drinking tea is beneficial to patients with vitiligo. The tea polyphenols in tea can enhance and regulate immunity, which is beneficial to the formation of melanin and the enhancement of tyrosinase activity.
It is recommended that patients brew mixed tea half an hour before meals, including Longjing tea, Biluochun tea, Gyokuro tea, and Jasmine tea, and drink it after being cooled to warm. However, you should avoid drinking it within half an hour before a meal and within an hour after a meal to avoid affecting digestion.
(3) Psoralen can Treat Vitiligo - True
Psoralen belongs to the furanocoumarin class of drugs and can cause photosensitivity. After being taken orally or applied externally to the skin, it can cause local skin pigmentation after exposure to mild sunlight or narrowband ultraviolet rays (NB-UVB).
It is recommended that patients use psoralen tincture according to professional medical advice and combined with light to increase the production of melanin pigment in the affected areas of white patches. However, it should be noted that some people may experience redness, pain, itching, and other symptoms when using psoralen tincture. They should inform their doctor in time and adjust the dosage according to the doctor's advice.
(4) Eating Black Beans can Help vitiligo - True
Black beans are rich in protein, lecithin, fat, and vitamins, as well as melanogen and niacin. Patients with early-stage vitiligo can take black beans orally, which can promote the conversion of melanogen into melanin.
It is recommended that patients soak black beans until soft, then cook or fry them with star anise and an appropriate amount of salt, and consume a small amount every day.

(5) Patient Need to Avoid Vitamin C - False
Some food taboos can also lead to nutritional imbalances in the patient's body and affect the recovery of vitiligo. In fact, as long as vitamin C is taken in an appropriate amount, it will not have much impact on the recovery of vitiligo. Instead, it will play an important role in maintaining the patient's health needs.
Vitamin C is also an important nutrient in our body. It has the functions of antioxidants, removing free radicals, fighting oxidative stress, and enhancing immunity. Appropriate supplementation of vitamin C is beneficial to physical health and the condition of vitiligo.
(6) Apply Ginger Slices Topically can Treat Vitiligo - False
Among the people, there are many folk remedies for treating vitiligo. One of them is that applying ginger slices can treat vitiligo.
There are many predisposing factors for vitiligo, including heredity, low immunity, lack of trace elements, endocrine disorders, etc. Treatment requires targeted treatment based on the patient's cause and condition. The treatment method of applying ginger slices has no scientific theoretical basis, and it is impossible to develop a treatment plan according to individual conditions, which may lead to poor treatment effects or even worsen the condition.

The treatment of vitiligo requires scientific methods and patience. When seeking treatment, patients should avoid blindly trying unproven folk remedies to avoid unnecessary risks. Before using any treatment, it is best to consult a professional doctor to ensure it is safe and effective.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Five Steps of the Recovering of the Vitiligo, which Step are You at?

Vitiligo is a common skin disease that disturbing many people. During the treatment of vitiligo, understanding the progress of recovery and the stage they are at can help patients better understand the course of the disease and the effects of treatment. Here are the five steps of vitiligo recovery, so let’s see where you are at.
I. The First Step: Stable Stage of the Condition.
At the stable stage, the existing white spots no longer spread, and no new white spots develop in other areas under the woods lamp examination. This shows that the treatment is starting to have an important effect to preventing the condition from getting worse. At this time, patients should maintain a positive attitude, strictly follow the doctor's instructions, and continue treatment in the stable stage.
II. Step Two: The Edges of the Patches Become Clearer
As treatment progresses, the edges of the white patches will gradually become clearer from blurry. This means that the patient's skin begins to respond positively to the treatment. At this stage, patients should continue to adhere to the treatment plan, avoid interruptions, and return for regular follow-up visits to share changes in treatment effects with the doctor.
III. The Third Steps: The Edges of the Patches Become Obvious
When the skin around the white patches gradually darkens and forms a clear boundary, it indicates that the recovery has progressed to the third steps. This means that the treatment helps the white patches to be confined to a specific area and the skin around them changes color. At this stage, patients should pay close attention to changes in the boundaries, strengthen skin care, maintain local hygiene, and avoid the use of irritating drugs.
IV. Step 4: Melanin Pigment Islands Appear
The appearance of small black dots in the center of the white patches and gradually increase in size indicates that you have reached the fourth steps of the recovery. These small black dots are new pigment deposits, indicating that treatment has a significant effect on the recovery of white patches. At this stage, patients need to continue to follow the doctor's recommendations for treatment, and at the same time pay attention to changes in the number of black dots, which can be recorded and discussed with the doctor.
V. Step 5: Gradually Complete the Recovering.
When the color of the white patches area becomes lighter or appears reddish, the boundaries gradually become blurred again, and begin to shrink inward in size, it means that you have entered the final steps of vitiligo recovery. At this stage, patients need to continue to adhere to treatment and have regular follow-up visits with their doctors to ensure perfect recovery.
Reviewing the above five stages of recovery, I hope it will be helpful for you to understand where you are in progress. Remember, during the treatment of vitiligo, it is crucial to continue communicating with your doctor and follow the prescribed treatment plan. I wish you a speedy recovery and embrace yourself despite of the condition!
Sonia Sultana Sumi、Victor Claros Arenas和其他32位用户

Monday, September 25, 2023

These Three Black Fruits can Help to Facilitate Vitiligo Patients Replenish of Melanin

Vitiligo is a common skin disease whose main symptom is local depigmentation of the skin and the formation of white spots. To restore the normal color of the skin, patients need to replenish melanin.

How to supplement melanin? Consuming some black fruits might help.
You can learn about these three kinds of black fruits:
1. "BlackBerry"
Rich in antioxidants, it can promote skin regeneration, repair and help improve skin condition.
2. "Black Mulberries"
It is rich in iron, which can promote blood circulation, increase the supply of nutrients to the skin, and help improve the condition of the skin.
3. "Black Grapes"
Rich in melanin and rich in antioxidants, it can promote the regeneration and repair of skin cells and help improve skin condition.
If you have any questions , you can search "Beijing Zhongke Vitiligo Hospital " in Google or Facebook!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

How Much Do You Know About Recessive Vitiligo

The following situations were encountered by the patient when seeing the doctor:

There is only one white spot on my body. I went to the hospital for an examination and found that there were several white spots in the adjacent area. Why can’t I see it with the naked eye?

I have white spots the size of rice grains on my body, which cannot be seen unless I look carefully. Could this be vitiligo? Why is it not obvious?

In the patients who are being treated, the leukoplakia in the treatment area has shrunk, but new leukoplakia appear around it. Is this the spread caused by the poor treatment effect?

These are likely to be caused by "recessive" vitiligo!

1. What is recessive vitiligo?

Recessive leukoplakia is actually the predecessor of visible leukoplakia, leukoplakia invisible to the naked eye, but can be detected under professional equipment.

Vitiligo may become more noticeable over time. There are also patients who suddenly increase the number of white spots during the treatment process. In fact, it may be that the recessive vitiligo is stimulated and exposed.

So when a diagnosis of vitiligo is made, it is important to check other parts of the body for hidden white spots.

2. Does the recessive leukoplakia need to be treated?

The harder it is to find, the more serious the outbreak will be, and recessive vitiligo needs to be treated as soon as possible.

In the face of recessive vitiligo, we should adhere to the three principles of early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment, and cure the leukoplakia before it becomes visible.

3. How to treat recessive leukoplakia?

For recessive vitiligo, it is recommended that patients take some drugs scientifically and according to the cause under the guidance of a doctor. If necessary, Chinese medicine can be used for auxiliary comprehensive treatment.

Take targeted treatment according to different conditions, and then match it with a reasonable diet to improve your own immunity and maintain a good attitude, so as to make the treatment effect better.

4. Will recessive vitiligo still appear after treatment?

If the melanocytes in the skin lesions are not completely destroyed during the period of recessive leukoplakia, the leukoplakia can be cured before it is exposed; if the melanocytes have been completely destroyed, appropriate treatment measures can be taken in time, With proper treatment, the chances of recovery are relatively high!

5. How to check whether there is recessive vitiligo on the body?

Recessive leukoplakia is the same as visible leukoplakia, except that it cannot be seen with the naked eye, but it can be seen under Wood's lamp.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Be alert to spring cold raids, which can aggravate the condition of vitiligo

In spring, the temperature changes greatly, especially the temperature difference between morning and evening. At this time, colds and flu occur frequently. For patients with vitiligo, more attention should be paid to the occurrence of colds so as not to affect the condition.

Prolonged cold is not good, causing immune disorders

Recurrent and long-lasting colds can cause immune system stress and have a certain impact on the treatment of vitiligo. After the inflammation has ended for a period of time, the "stress response" is still functioning, and excessive action may induce the risk of vitiligo. In addition, adolescents and children are more fragile in physique, and their immunity is low after a long-term severe cold, and their recovery speed is slower. When some children have repeated attacks of tonsillitis, it will also lead to the continuous action of the stress system and affect the condition of vitiligo. After recovering from the cold, parents also need to take their children for professional examination and treatment in time to avoid recurrence of vitiligo.

How to prevent spring cold

A cold will cause the body's immunity to decline, which may lead to aggravation or recurrence of vitiligo, so patients should take preventive measures to avoid the spread and recurrence of vitiligo: 

①Clean the room: it is recommended to disinfect and ventilate regularly to eliminate indoor bacteria and viruses that can cause colds;

② Wash your hands frequently: Hands are the most used external organs and are easily infected with viruses. In addition, try to touch your eyes and nose as little as possible;

③ Improving immunity: It is advisable to add more protein, high-fiber eggs, vegetables, etc., which can resist infection by various viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma and other pathogens; 

④Avoid affecting the immune system and endocrine system, and keep the internal environment of the body stable; 

⑤ Moderate exercise: It can help patients strengthen their physique, improve their resistance, and effectively avoid the infestation of spring colds.

The weather in spring is erratic. Patients should pay attention to their health. When they find a cold or other physical discomfort, they need to seek medical treatment in time and take medicine under the guidance of a doctor to avoid the cold from affecting the recovery of leukoplakia.

Friday, March 3, 2023

How does Traditional Chinese medicine classify vitiligo?

Vitiligo with disharmony between qi and blood

The white spots are mainly milk white, mostly round or elliptical, or irregular large patches, which are scattered, painless and itchy. The tongue is light red, the pulse is thin and smooth, and the course of disease is mostly about six months to three years.

In this type, the white spot is pink, the state is clear, and the skin turns white. Vitiligo patients may have itching and allergy before. White spots are mostly distributed in the face and around organs . Body drowsiness, dizziness, dizziness, greasy moss, and slippery pulse. The disease started quickly and expanded rapidly.

The main manifestations are that white spots have no fixed predisposition, the color is sometimes dark and sometimes bright, the skin lesions develop slowly, and often aggravate with the change of mood. It is mostly seen in women, often accompanied by chest and flank fullness, irritability, irregular menstruation, lumps in the breast, thin and moist tongue coating, and multiple and thin pulse phases.

The main performance is that the boundary of the white spot is sharp, the discoloration is obvious, the hair in the discoloration spot increases and becomes white, localized or generalized. There is often a genetic tendency. The effect is poor, and dizziness and tinnitus come by. The waist and knees are sore, the color of the tongue is more light or red, the coating is less, and the pulse is weak.

The main manifestations are that the white spots are mostly localized and asymmetrical with sharp boundaries. The hair in the spots turns white and develops slowly. The whole effect is worse. The tongue is purple and dark, or with points containing blood, or the tongue blood vessel dramatically expand , and the tongue coating is thinner.

Beijing zhongke Vitiligo Hospital

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Cream And Ointment for vitiligo

Vitiligo is an acquired, idiopathic disorder characterized by depigmented macules that result from damage to and destruction of melanocytes. Although the disease can occur at any age, 50% of patients acquire it before age 20 years.
Vitiligo is an acquired, idiopathic disorder characterized by depigmented macules that result from damage to and destruction of melanocytes. Although the disease can occur at any age, 50% of patients acquire it before age 20 years.

Vitiligo is difficult to treat.
Vitiligo Cream is nothing but an ointment applied on the skin to treat Vitiligo.Vitiligo is a psychologically devastating condition. Topical therapy is employed as first-line treatment in localized vitiligo. Currently, several topical agents are available in many forms viz. methoxsalen (solution and cream), trioxsalen (solution), corticosteroids (gel, cream, ointment and solution) and calcineurin inhibitors (ointment and cream). Although topical therapy has an important position in vitiligo treatment, side-effects or poor efficacy affect their utility and patient compliance. Novel drug delivery strategies can play a pivotal role in improving the topical delivery of various drugs by enhancing their epidermal localization with a concomitant reduction in their side-effects and improving their effectiveness. The current review emphasizes the potential of various phospholipid based carriers viz. liposomes, transferosomes, ethosomes, lipid emulsions, solid lipid nanoparticles and organogels in optimizing and enhancing the topical delivery of anti-vitiligo agents, whilst reducing the side effects of drugs commonly used in its topical treatment.

but many patients use it that not work.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Natural Treatment for Vitiligo in USA

Vitiligo is a condition that causes the loss of melanin from your skin. Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin, eyes and hair. Vitiligo manifests when your melanin-producing cells die or no longer generate melanin, which causes white patches of skin to appear in the affected area. Natural herbal treatments may be helpful for your vitiligo. However, herbs should only be used under the care of a skilled health care professional.
Natural Treatment for Vitiligo in USA

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders states that the precise cause of vitiligo is unclear, although evidence points toward a group of three genes that make you vulnerable to depigmentation. The most common sign or symptom associated with vitiligo is milky-white skin patches, although other symptoms -- premature graying or whitening of your hair, loss of mucous membrane color, and color changes or loss in your retina -- may also occur.
Natural Herbal Treatments
Natural herbal treatments for vitiligo include katuki, St. John's wort and ginkgo, notes nutrition researcher Phyllis A. Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." Katuki is an herbal remedy that is commonly prescribed for vitiligo by practitioners of ayurvedic medicine, which is the traditional healing system of India. St. John's wort is used to help reduce the negative health effects of stress, while ginkgo may help retard the vitiligo disease course. Many non-herbal supplements may also be helpful in treating this condition, including vitamin B complex, essential fatty acids and silica.
A Helpful Remedy
Ginkgo biloba, or simply ginkgo, is a natural herbal treatment frequently prescribed for vitiligo. Balch recommends a ginkgo dosage of 40 mg, three times per day, to help treat your vitiligo, although you should always discuss proper dosage with your physician before ingesting herbs for your ailments. Ginkgo possesses strong antioxidant action and helps enhance the health and function of your immune system, which are two important health actions in the treatment of vitiligo. Ginkgo should not be taken, however, if you have a bleeding disorder or are scheduled for surgery.

Although several herbs have traditionally been used in treating vitiligo, not all natural herbal treatments may have been rigorously evaluated using conventional scientific testing methods. Some herbs may not be appropriate for this condition, especially if you have certain allergies or medical conditions. Herbal remedies may interact with your prescription medication, so it is always wise to discuss herb-related issues with a qualified health care provider before using herbs. A health care practitioner trained in herbal medicine can assist you in selecting herbal remedies that are best for you.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

World Vitiligo Day 25,June,2017

June 25th is a day of celebration of vitiligo patients lives and our community.World Vitiligo Day is an initiative aimed to build global awareness about vitiligo, a frequent and often disfiguring disease that can have significant negative psychosocial impact on patients, also because of numerous misconceptions still present in large parts of the world.

Vitiligo is an acquired disease characterized by skin depigmentation, due to destruction or malfunction of melanocytes (cells that produce melanin). It is present worldwide, and its prevalence in different countries ranges from less than 0.1% to more than 8% of general population (~1% in the United States and in Europe); thus, it can be estimated that approximately 100 million people in the world are affected.

“6.25 World Vitiligo Day" Defect the Vitiligo We Are On The Way(The Application for The International Patient)

The Details for This Activity
The activity for the "6.25 world vitiligo day " medical help ,under the propose of Chinese government belt and road forum ,aimed at providing international vitiligo patient helpful policy ,limited in approved 30 patients :
Preferential Policy:
1.Free Specialist Diagnosis
2.Free Airport Transportation During Hospital Treatment
3.Free Interpretation Fee During The Hospital Treatment
4.Expense for medicine with 90% discount ,medical therapy fee with 70% discount
5.10 % reduction in the discharge
6.Free accopanied by the interpreter during the hospital treatment within three places in Beijing (such as :summer palaces ,the forbidden city ,the great wall )

Sunday, May 28, 2017

New Method Treatment for vitiligo 2017

Vitiligo is an acquired skin depigmentation occurring in approximately 1 percent of the population worldwide. It results from an autoimmune process directed against the melanocytes. The disease can be devastating psychologically; particularly in dark-skinned individuals. The pathogenesis is thought to involve an autoimmune process directed against melanocytes. Evidence of this is derived from histologic studies that have found an absence of melanocytes in the affected skin. An autoimmune process is also suggested by the concomitant occurrence of other autoimmune diseases in patients with vitiligo.

Many vitiligo patient hope a new method treatment for vitiligo 2017,When a patient presents with vitiligo, "It's probably the longest and most detailed consultation I do. We take a very detailed history—looking at family history, time of disease onset, disease progression, associated symptoms, associated autoimmune illnesses and medications—to tease out any other causative factors that may be contributing to pigment loss.
we need accoding to associated symptoms, associated autoimmune illnesses and medications to treat vitiligo.

UM-D treatment not only pay attention to the color restore of vitiligo, it take the advance measures to help doctor to to diagnose their immunity to see if their immune system disorder, lack of trace elements, the melanocyte condition, all kinds of antigens' condition, their skin, blood, internal organs. our treatment treat vitiligo both emphasize the inside and outside without side effects, this treatment praised by the patients from home and abroad.

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